Package 'phylospatial'

Title: Spatial Phylogenetic Analysis
Description: Conduct various analyses on spatial phylogenetics. Use your data on an evolutionary tree and geographic distributions of the terminal taxa to compute diversity and endemism metrics, test significance with null model randomization, analyze community turnover and biotic regionalization, and perform spatial conservation prioritizations. All functions support quantitative community data in addition to binary data.
Authors: Matthew Kling [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: Matthew Kling <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Built: 2025-02-24 06:09:09 UTC

Help Index

Calculate taxon conservation benefit


Nonlinear function that converts proportion of range conserved into conservation "benefit."


benefit(x, lambda = 1)



Fraction of taxon range protected (value between 0 and 1).


Shape parameter.


Value between 0 and 1.

Load California moss spatial phylogenetic data


Get example phylospatial data set based on a phylogeny and modeled distributions of 443 moss species across California. This data set is a coarser version of data from Kling et al. (2024). It contains occurrence probabilities, and is available in raster or polygon spatial formats.


moss(format = "raster")



Either "raster" (default) or "polygon"


a phylospatial object


Kling, Gonzalez-Ramirez, Carter, Borokini, and Mishler (2024) bioRxiv,



Create a spatial phylogenetic object


This function creates a phylospatial object. This is the core data type in the phylospatial library, and is a required input to most other functions in the package. The two essential components of a spatial phylogenetic object are a phylogenetic tree and an community data set.


  tree = NULL,
  spatial = NULL,
  data_type = c("auto", "probability", "binary", "abundance", "other"),
  clade_fun = NULL,
  build = TRUE,
  check = TRUE,
  area_tol = 0.01



Community data representing the distribution of terminal taxa across sites. Can be a matrix with a column per terminal and a row per site, a SpatRaster with one layer per terminal, or a sf data with a column per terminal. Taxa whose names do not match between column/layer names in comm and tip labels in tree will be dropped with a warning (unless build = FALSE).


Phylogeny of class phylo. Terminals whose names do not match comm will be dropped with a warning (unless build = FALSE). If this argument is not provided, terminals are assumed to follow a "star" tree with uniform branch lengths, which will lead to non-phylogenetic versions of any analyses done with the resulting phylospatial object. Must be a rooted tree.


An optional SpatRaster layer or sf object indicating site locations. The number of cells or rows must match comm. Ignored if comm is a SpatRaster or sf object.


Character giving the data type of comm. Must be "binary", "probability", "abundance", "auto" (the default), or "other". This determines how community values for clades are calculated from the values for terminal taxa. If "binary" (presence-absence), a clade is considered present in a site if any terminal in the clade is present. If "probability," clade probabilities are calculated as the probability that at least one terminal is present in a site. If "abundance," clade abundances are calculated as the sum of abundances for terminals in the clade in a site. If "auto," an attempt is made to guess which of these three data types was provided. This argument is ignored if clade_fun is provided, or if build = FALSE. If "other", a custom clade_fun must be supplied.


Function to calculate the local community weight for a clade based on community weights for tips found in a given location. Must be either NULL (the default, in which case the default function for the selected data_type is used) or a summary function that takes a numeric vector and returns a single numeric output. Ignored if comm already includes clade ranges.


Logical indicating whether comm already includes clade ranges that should be used instead of building new ones. Default is TRUE. If FALSE, clade_fun is ignored, no checks are performed to harmonize the tip labels and the community data, and the columns of comm must exactly match the order of tree edges including tips and larger clades. If clade ranges are included in comm but build = TRUE, they will be dropped and new clade ranges will be built.


Logical indicating whether community data should be validated. Default is TRUE.


Numeric value giving tolerance for variation in the area of sites. Default is 0.01. If the coefficient of variation in the area or length of spatial units (e.g. grid cells) exceeds this value, an error will result. This check is performed because various other functions in the library assume that sites are equal area. This argument is ignored if check = FALSE or if no spatial data is provided.


This function formats the input data as a phylospatial object. Beyond validating, cleaning, and restructing the data, the main operation it performs is to compute community occurrence data for every internal clade on the tree. For a given clade and site, community data for all the terminals in the clade are used to calculate the clade's occurrence value in the site. As described above, this calculation can happen in various ways, depending on what type of community data you have (e.g. binary, probability, or abundance) and how you want to summarize them. By default, the function tries to detect your data_type and use it to automatically select an appropriate summary function as described above, but you can override this by providing your own function to clade_fun.

You can also disable construction of the clade community matrix columns altogether by setting build = FALSE). This is atypical, but you might want to use this option if you have your own distribution data data on all clades (e.g. from modeling occurrence probabilities for clades in addition to terminal species), or if your community data comes from a previously-constructed phylospatial object.


A phylospatial object, which is a list containing the following elements:


Character indicating the community data type


Phylogeny of class phylo


Community matrix, including a column for every terminal taxon and every larger clade. Column order corresponds to tree edge order.


A SpatRaster or sf providing spatial coordinates for the rows in comm. May be missing if no spatial data was supplied.


A community dissimilary matrix of class dist indicating pairwise phylogenetic dissimilarity between sites. Missing unless ps_dissim(..., add = TRUE) is called.


# load species distribution data and phylogeny
comm <- terra::rast(system.file("extdata", "moss_comm.tif", package = "phylospatial"))
tree <- ape::read.tree(system.file("extdata", "moss_tree.nex", package = "phylospatial"))

# construct `phylospatial` object
ps <- phylospatial(comm, tree)

Plot alternative lambda values


Show a plot illustrating alternative values for the lambda parameter in ps_prioritize. Lambda determines the shape of the "benefit" function that determines the conservation value of protecting a given proportion of the geographic range of a species or clade. Positive values place a higher priority on protecting additional populations of largely unprotected taxa, whereas negative values place a higher priority on protecting additional populations of relatively well-protected taxa. The default value used by ps_prioritize is 1.


plot_lambda(lambda = c(-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 2, 1))



A vector of lambda values to plot


Plots a figure


plot_lambda(seq(0, 3, .1))

Plot a phylospatial object


Plot a phylospatial object


## S3 method for class 'phylospatial'
plot(x, y = c("tree", "comm"), max_taxa = 12, ...)



phylospatial object


Either "tree" or "comm", indicating which component to plot.


Integer giving the maximum number of taxon ranges to plot if y = "tree".


Additional arguments passed to plotting methods, depending on y and the class of x$spatial. For y = "tree", see plot.phylo; for y = "comm", see plot or plot.sf.


A plot of the tree or community data.


ps <- ps_simulate()
plot(ps, "tree")
plot(ps, "comm")

Add community dissimilarity data to a phylospatial object


This function calculates pairwise phylogenetic dissimilarity between communities and returns the phylospatial object with the dissimilarity data added as an element called dissim. See ps_dissim for details.


ps_add_dissim(ps, method = "sorensen", ...)



phylospatial data set.


Dissimilarity metric; see ps_dissim for details.


Additional arguments passed to ps_dissim, such as fun, endemism, or normalize.


ps with a new dissim element added.


ps <- ps_simulate(data_type = "prob")
ps_add_dissim(ps, fun = "vegdist", method = "jaccard", endemism = TRUE)

Categorical Analysis of Neo- and Paleo-Endemism (CANAPE)


This function classifies sites into areas of significant endemism according to the scheme of Mishler et al. (2014). Categorization is based on randomization quantile values for PE, RPE, and CE (which Mishler et al. call "PE on the comparison tree").


ps_canape(rand, alpha = 0.05)



An object returned by running ps_rand with .


Numeric value between 0 and 1 giving the one-tailed p-value threshold to use when determining significance.


Endemism significance categories are defined as follows:

  • Endemism not significant: neither PE nor CE are significantly high at alpha.

  • Significant neoendemism: PE or CE are significantly high at alpha; RPE significantly low at alpha / 2 (two-tailed test).

  • Significant paleoendemism: PE or CE are significantly high at alpha; RPE significantly high at alpha / 2 (two-tailed test)..

  • Significant mixed-endemism: PE or CE are significantly high at alpha; RPE not significant.

  • Significant super-endemism: PE or CE are significantly high at alpha / 5; RPE not significant.


An object of the same class as rand containing a variable called "canape", with values 0-4 corresponding to not-significant, mixed-, super-, neo-, and paleo-endemism, respectively.


Mishler, B. D., Knerr, N., González-Orozco, C. E., Thornhill, A. H., Laffan, S. W., & Miller, J. T. (2014). Phylogenetic measures of biodiversity and neo-and paleo-endemism in Australian Acacia. Nature Communications, 5(1), 4473.


# classic CANAPE using binary data and the curveball algorithm
# (note that a real analysis would require a much higher `n_rand`)
ps <- ps_simulate(data_type = "binary")
rand <- ps_rand(ps, metric = c("PE", "RPE", "CE"),
                fun = "nullmodel", method = "curveball",
                n_rand = 25, burnin = 10000, progress = FALSE)
canape <- ps_canape(rand)

Binary randomization tests including CANAPE


This function is a wrapper around canaper::cpr_rand_test(). It only works with binary community data. It is largely redundant with ps_rand() and ps_canape(), which are more flexible in supporting data sets with non-binary community data. However, this function runs faster, and supports custom null models via make.commsim.


ps_canaper(ps, null_model = "curveball", spatial = TRUE, ...)



phylospatial object


see ?canaper::cpr_rand_test()


Logical: should the function return a spatial object (TRUE, default) or a vector (FALSE).


further arguments passed to canaper::cpr_rand_test()


This function runs canaper::cpr_rand_test(); see the help for that function for details.

It also runs canaper::cpr_classify_endem() on the result, and includes the resulting classification as an additional variable, 'endem_type', in the output. 'endem_type' values 0-4 correspond to not-significant, neo, paleo, mixed, and super endemesim, respectively.


A matrix or SpatRaster, or sf with a column or layer for each metric.


Mishler, B. D., Knerr, N., González-Orozco, C. E., Thornhill, A. H., Laffan, S. W., & Miller, J. T. (2014). Phylogenetic measures of biodiversity and neo-and paleo-endemism in Australian Acacia. Nature Communications, 5(1), 4473.

Nitta, J. H., Laffan, S. W., Mishler, B. D., & Iwasaki, W. (2023). canaper: categorical analysis of neo‐and paleo‐endemism in R. Ecography, 2023(9), e06638.

See Also

ps_canape(), ps_rand()


      ps <- ps_simulate(data_type = "binary")

Quantitative phylogenetic dissimilarity


This function calculates pairwise phylogenetic dissimilarity between communities. It works with both binary and quantitative community data sets. A wide range of phylogentic community dissimilarity metrics are supported, including phylogenetic Sorensen's and Jaccard's distances, turnover and nestedness components of Sorensen's distance (Baselga & Orme, 2012), and phylogenetic versions of all community distance indices provided through the vegan library. The function also includes options to scale the community matrix in order to focus the analysis on endemism and/or on proportional differences in community composition. The results from this function can be visualized using ps_rgb or ps_regions, or used in a variety of statistical analyses.


  method = "sorensen",
  fun = c("vegdist", "designdist", "chaodist"),
  endemism = FALSE,
  normalize = FALSE,



phylospatial object.


Character indicating the dissimilarity index to use:

  • "sorensen": Sorensen's dissimilarity, a.k.a. Bray-Curtis distance (the default)

  • "sorensen_turnover": The turnover component of Sorensen's dissimilarity, a.k.a. Simpson's.

  • "sorensen_nestedness": The nestedness component of Sorensen's dissimilarity.

  • Any other valid method passed to fun. For options, see the documentation for those functions.


Character indicating which general distance function from the vegan library to use: "vegdist" (the default), "designdist", or "chaodist". (While these functions are not explicitly designed to calculate phylogenetic beta diversity, their use here incorporates the phylogenetic components.) This argument is ignored if one of the three "sorensen" methods is selected.


Logical indicating whether community values should be divided by column totals (taxon range sizes) to derive endemism before computing distances.


Logical indicating whether community values should be divided by row totals (community sums) before computing distances. If TRUE, dissimilarity is based on proportional community composition. Normalization is applied after endemism.


Additional arguments passed to fun.


A pairwise phylogenetic dissimilarity matrix of class dist.


Graham, C. H., & Fine, P. V. (2008). Phylogenetic beta diversity: linking ecological and evolutionary processes across space in time. Ecology Letters, 11(12), 1265-1277.

Baselga, A., & Orme, C. D. L. (2012). betapart: an R package for the study of beta diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(5), 808-812.

Pavoine, S. (2016). A guide through a family of phylogenetic dissimilarity measures among sites. Oikos, 125(12), 1719-1732.

See Also



# example data set:
ps <- ps_simulate(n_tips = 50)

# The default arguments give Sorensen's quantitative dissimilarity index
# (a.k.a. Bray-Curtis distance):
d <- ps_dissim(ps)

# Specifying a custom formula explicitly via `designdist`;
# (this is the Bray-Curtis formula, so it's equivalent to the prior example)
d <- ps_dissim(ps, method = "(b+c)/(2*a+b+c)",
      fun = "designdist", terms = "minimum", abcd = TRUE)

# Alternative arguments can specify a wide range of dissimilarity measures;
# here's endemism-weighted Jaccard's dissimilarity:
d <- ps_dissim(ps, method = "jaccard", endemism = TRUE)

Calculate spatial phylogenetic diversity and endemism metrics


This function calculates a variety of diversity and endemism metrics including Faith's phylogenetic diversity, Shannon phylogenetic entropy, Simpson phylogentic diversity, relative phylogentic diversity, richness of clades, richness of terminals (typically species), and versions of all these metrics weighted by endemism (i.e. rarity). If continuous community data (probabilities or abundances) are provided, they are used in calculations, giving quantitative versions of the classic binary metrics.


ps_diversity(ps, metric = "all", spatial = TRUE)



phylospatial object (created by phylospatial() or ps_simulate()).


Character vector containing the abbreviation for one or more diversity metrics listed in the details below. Can also specify "all" (the default) to calculate all available metrics.


Logical: should the function return a spatial object (TRUE, default) or a matrix (FALSE)?


The function calculates the following metrics:

  • TD—Terminal Diversity, i.e. richness of terminal taxa (in many cases these are species): tpt\sum_{t}{p_t}

  • TE—Terminal Endemism, i.e. total endemism-weighted diversity of terminal taxa, a.k.a. "weighted endemism": tptrt1\sum_{t}{p_t r_t^{-1}}

  • CD—Clade Diversity, i.e. richness of taxa at all levels (equivalent to PD on a cladogram): bpb\sum_{b}{p_b}

  • CE—Clade Endemism, i.e. total endemism-weighted diversity of taxa at all levels (equivalent to PE on a cladrogram): bpbrb1\sum_{b}{p_b r_b^{-1}}

  • PD—Phylogenetic Diversity: bLbpb\sum_{b}{L_b p_b}

  • PE—Phylogenetic Endemism, i.e. endemism-weighted PD: bLbpbrb1\sum_{b}{L_b p_b r_b^{-1}}

  • RPD—Relative Phylogenetic Diversity, i.e. branch length of mean resident (equivalent to PD / CR): bLbpb/bpb\sum_{b}{L_b p_b} / \sum_{b}{p_b}

  • RPE—Relative Phylogenetic Endemism, i.e. mean endemism-weighted branch length (equivalent to PE / CE): bLbpbrb1/bpbrb1\sum_{b}{L_b p_b r_b^{-1}} / \sum_{b}{p_b r_b^{-1}}

  • ShPD—Shannon Phylogenetic Diversity, a.k.a. "phylogenetic entropy": bLbnblog(nb)-\sum_{b}{L_b n_b log(n_b)}

  • ShPE–Shannon phylogenetic Endemism, an endemism-weighted version of ShPD: bLbnblog(eb)rb1-\sum_{b}{L_b n_b log(e_b) r_b^{-1}}

  • SiPD—Simpson Phylogenetic Diversity: 1/bLbnb21 / \sum_{b}{L_b n_b^2}

  • SiPE—Simpson Phylogenetic Endemism, an endemism-weighted version of SiPD: 1/bLbrb1eb21 / \sum_{b}{L_b r_b^{-1} e_b^2}

where bb indexes all taxa including terminals and larger clades; tt indexes terminals only; pip_i is the occurrence value (binary, probability, or abundance) of clade/terminal ii in a given community; LbL_b is the length of the phylogenetic branch segment unique to clade bb; and rir_i is the sum of pip_i across all sites.

For Shannon and Simpson indices, only nonzero elements of pbp_b are used, nb=pb/bpbLbn_b = p_b / \sum_{b}{p_b L_b}, and eb=pb/bpbLbrb1e_b = p_b / \sum_{b}{p_b L_b r_b^{-1}}.


A matrix, sf data frame, or SpatRaster with a column or layer for each requested diversity metric.


Faith, D. P. (1992). Conservation evaluation and phylogenetic diversity. Biological Conservation, 61(1), 1-10.

Laffan, S. W., & Crisp, M. D. (2003). Assessing endemism at multiple spatial scales, with an example from the Australian vascular flora. Journal of Biogeography, 30(4), 511-520.

Rosauer, D. A. N., Laffan, S. W., Crisp, M. D., Donnellan, S. C., & Cook, L. G. (2009). Phylogenetic endemism: a new approach for identifying geographical concentrations of evolutionary history. Molecular Ecology, 18(19), 4061-4072.

Allen, B., Kon, M., & Bar-Yam, Y. (2009). A new phylogenetic diversity measure generalizing the Shannon index and its application to phyllostomid bats. The American Naturalist, 174(2), 236-243.

Chao, A., Chiu, C. H., & Jost, L. (2010). Phylogenetic diversity measures based on Hill numbers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365(1558), 3599-3609.

Mishler, B. D., Knerr, N., González-Orozco, C. E., Thornhill, A. H., Laffan, S. W., & Miller, J. T. (2014). Phylogenetic measures of biodiversity and neo-and paleo-endemism in Australian Acacia. Nature Communications, 5(1), 4473.

Kling, M. M., Mishler, B. D., Thornhill, A. H., Baldwin, B. G., & Ackerly, D. D. (2019). Facets of phylodiversity: evolutionary diversification, divergence and survival as conservation targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1763), 20170397.


ps <- ps_simulate()
div <- ps_diversity(ps)

Get phylospatial community data


Get phylospatial community data


ps_get_comm(ps, tips_only = TRUE, spatial = TRUE)



phylospatial object.


Logical indicating whether only the terminal taxa (TRUE, the default) or all taxa (FALSE) should be returned.


Logical indicating whether a spatial (SpatRaster or sf) object should be returned. Default is TRUE; if FALSE, a matrix is returned.


Either a SpatRaster with a layer for every taxon, or an sf data frame with a variable for every taxon, depending on which data type was used to create ps.


ps <- ps_simulate()

# the defaults return a spatial object of terminal taxa distributions:

# get distributions for all taxa, as a matrix
pcomm <- ps_get_comm(ps, tips_only = FALSE, spatial = FALSE)

Community phylogenetic ordination


Perform an ordination that reduces a spatial phylogenetic data set into k dimensions, using one of several alternative ordination algorithms.


ps_ordinate(ps, method = c("nmds", "cmds", "pca"), k = 3, spatial = TRUE)



A phylospatial object with a non-null dissim component, generated by ps_add_dissim.


Ordination method, either "pca" (principal component analysis implemented via stats::prcomp()), "cmds" (classical MDS, implemented via stats::cmdscale()), or "nmds" (the default, nonmetric MDS, implemented via vegan::metaMDS(); this is slower but often preferred).


Positive integer giving the desired number of output dimensions; default is 3.


Logical indicating whether a spatial object (inherited from ps) should be returned. Default is TRUE.


A matrix or spatial object with k variables.


ps <- ps_add_dissim(ps_simulate(50, 5, 5))
ord <- ps_ordinate(ps, method = "cmds", k = 4)

Phylogenetic conservation prioritization


Create a ranking of conservation priorities using optimal or probabilistic forward stepwise selection. Prioritization accounts for the occurrence quantities for all lineages present in the site, including terminal taxa and larger clades; the evolutionary branch lengths of these lineages on the phylogeny, which represent their unique evolutionary heritage; the impact that protecting the site would have on these lineages' range-wide protection levels; the compositional complementarity between the site, other high-priority sites, and existing protected areas; the site's initial protection level; the relative cost of protecting the site; and a free parameter "lambda" determining the shape of the conservation benefit function.


  init = NULL,
  cost = NULL,
  lambda = 1,
  protection = 1,
  max_iter = NULL,
  method = c("optimal", "probable"),
  trans = function(x) replace(x, which(rank(-x) > 25), 0),
  n_reps = 100,
  n_cores = 1,
  summarize = TRUE,
  spatial = TRUE,
  progress = interactive()



phylospatial object.


Optional numeric vector or spatial object giving the starting protection status of each site across the study area. Values should be between 0 and 1 and represent the existing level of conservation effectiveness in each site. If this argument is not specified, it is assumed that no existing reserves are present.


Optional numeric vector or spatial object giving the relative cost of protecting each site. Values should be positive, with greater values indicating higher cost of conserving a site. If this argument is not specified, cost is assumed to be uniform across sites.


Shape parameter for taxon conservation benefit function. This can be any real number. Positive values, such as the default value 1, place higher priority on conserving the first part of the range of a given species or clade, while negative values (which are not typically used) place higher priority on fully protecting the most important taxa (those with small ranges and long branches) rather than partially protecting all taxa. See the function plot_lambda for an illustration of alternative lambda values.


Degree of protection of proposed new reserves (number between 0 and 1, with same meaning as init).


Integer giving max number of iterations to perform before stopping, i.e. max number of sites to rank.


Procedure for selecting which site to add to the reserve network at each iteration:

  • "optimal": The default, this selects the site with the highest marginal value at each iteration. This is a optimal approach that gives the same result each time.

  • "probable": This option selects a site randomly, with selection probabilities calculated as a function of sites' marginal values. This approach gives a different prioritization ranking each time an optimization is performed, so n_reps optimizations are performed, and ranks for each site are summarized across repetitions.


A function that transforms marginal values into relative selection probabilities; only used if method = "probable". The function should take a vector of positive numbers representing marginal values and return an equal-length vector of positive numbers representing a site's relative likelihood of being selected. The default function returns the marginal value if a site is in the top 25 highest-value sites, and zero otherwise.


Number of random repetitions to do; only used if method = "probable". Depending on the data set, a large number of reps (more than the default of 100) may be needed in order to achieve a stable result. This may be a computational barrier for large data sets; multicore processing via n_cores can help.


Number of compute cores to use for parallel processing; only used if method = "probable".


Logical: should summary statistics across reps (TRUE, default) or the reps themselves (FALSE) be returned? Only relevant if method = "probable".


Logical: should the function return a spatial object (TRUE, default) or a matrix (FALSE)?


Logical: should a progress bar be displayed?


This function uses the forward stepwise selection algorithm of Kling et al. (2019) to generate a ranked conservation prioritization. Prioritization begins with the starting protected lands network identified in init, if provided. At each iteration, the marginal conservation value of fully protecting each site is calculated, and a site is selected to be added to the reserve network. Selection can happen either in an "optimal" or "probable" fashion as described under the method argument. This process is repeated until all sites are fully protected or until max_iter has been reached, with sites selected early in the process considered higher conservation priorities.

The benefit of the probabilistic approach is that it relaxes the potentially unrealistic assumption that protected land will actually be added in the optimal order. Since the algorithm avoids compositional redundancy between high-priority sites, the optimal approach will never place high priority on a site that has high marginal value but is redundant with a slightly higher-value site, whereas the probabilistic approach will select them at similar frequencies (though never in the same randomized run).

Every time a new site is protected as the algorithm progresses, it changes the marginal conservation value of the other sites. Marginal value is the increase in conservation benefit that would arise from fully protecting a given site, divided by the cost of protecting the site. This is calculated as a function of the site's current protection level, the quantitative presence probability or abundance of all terminal taxa and larger clades present in the site, their evolutionary branch lengths on the phylogeny, the impact that protecting the site would have on their range-wide protection levels, and the free parameter lambda. lambda determines the relative importance of protecting a small portion of every taxon's range, versus fully protecting the ranges of more valuable taxa (those with longer evolutionary branches and smaller geographic ranges).


Matrix or spatial object containing a ranking of conservation priorities. Lower rank values represent higher conservation priorities. All sites with a lower priority than max_iter have a rank value equal to the number of sites in the input data set (i.e. the lowest possible priority).

If method = "optimal".

the result contains a single variable "priority" containing the ranking.

If method = "probable" and summarize = TRUE,

the "priority" variable gives the average rank across reps, variables labeled "pctX" give the Xth percentile of the rank distribution for each site, variables labeled "topX" give the proportion of reps in which a site was in the top X highest-priority sites, and variables labeled "treX" give a ratio representing "topX" relative to the null expectation of how often "topX" should occur by chance alone.

If method = "probable" and summarize = FALSE,

the result contains the full set of n_rep solutions, each representing the the ranking, with low values representing higher priorities..


Kling, M. M., Mishler, B. D., Thornhill, A. H., Baldwin, B. G., & Ackerly, D. D. (2019). Facets of phylodiversity: evolutionary diversification, divergence and survival as conservation targets. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 374(1763), 20170397.

See Also

benefit(), plot_lambda()


# simulate a toy `phylospatial` data set
ps <- ps_simulate()

# basic prioritization
p <- ps_prioritize(ps)

# specifying locations of initial protected areas
# (can be binary, or can be continuous values between 0 and 1)
# here we'll create an `init` raster with arbitrary values ranging from 0-1,
# using the reference raster layer that's part of our `phylospatial` object
protected <- terra::setValues(ps$spatial, seq(0, 1, length.out = 400))
cost <- terra::setValues(ps$spatial, rep(seq(100, 20, length.out = 20), 20))
p <- ps_prioritize(ps, init = protected, cost = cost)

# using probabilistic prioritization
p <- ps_prioritize(ps, init = protected, cost = cost,
      method = "prob", n_reps = 1000, max_iter = 10)

Null model randomization analysis of alpha diversity metrics


This function compares to diversity metrics calculated in ps_diversity to their null distributions computed by randomizing the community matrix. Randomization is done using the quantize method for community matrices containing continuous quantities such as occurrence probabilities or abundances.


  metric = "all",
  fun = "quantize",
  method = "curveball",
  n_rand = 100,
  spatial = TRUE,
  n_cores = 1,
  progress = interactive(),



phylospatial object.


Character vector giving one or more diversity metrics to calculate; see ps_diversity for options. Can also specify "all" (the default) to calculate all available metrics.


Null model function to use. Must be either "quantize", "nullmodel", or an actual function:

  • "nullmodel": uses nullmodel and simulate.nullmodel, from the vegan package, which offer a wide range of randomization algorithms with different properties.

  • "quantize": (the default) deploys the function quantize, which is a routine that is itself a wrapper around nullmodel, allowing the use of binary algorithms for quantitative data.

  • Any other function that accepts a community matrix as its first argument and returns a randomized version of the matrix.


One of the method options listed under commsim. If ⁠fun = "quantize⁠, this must be one of the "binary" methods. If fun = "nullmodel", be sure to select a method that is appropriate to your community data_type (binary, quantitative, abundance). This argument is ignored if a custom function is provided to fun.


Integer giving the number of random communities to generate.


Logical: should the function return a spatial object (TRUE, default) or a matrix (FALSE).


Integer giving the number of compute cores to use for parallel processing.


Logical: should a progress bar be displayed?


Additional arguments passed to quantize, simulate.nullmodel, or custom function fun. Note that the nsim argument the former two functions should not be used here; specify n_rand instead.


A matrix with a row for every row of x, a column for every metric specified in metric, and values indicating the proportion of randomizations in which the observed diversity metric was greater than the randomized metric. Or if spatial = TRUE, a sf or SpatRaster object containing these data.

See Also



# simulate a `phylospatial` data set and run randomization with default settings
ps <- ps_simulate(data_type = "prob")
rand <- ps_rand(ps)

# using the default `quantize` function, but with alternative arguments
rand <- ps_rand(ps, transform = sqrt, n_strata = 4, priority = "rows")

# using binary data
ps2 <- ps_simulate(data_type = "binary")
rand <- ps_rand(ps2, fun = "nullmodel", method = "r2")

# using abundance data, and demonstrating alternative metric choices
ps3 <- ps_simulate(data_type = "abund")
rand <- ps_rand(ps3, metric = c("ShPD", "SiPD"), fun = "nullmodel", method = "abuswap_c")

Cluster analysis to identify phylogenetic regions


Perform a clustering analysis that categorizes sites into biogeographic regions based on phylogenetic community compositional similarity.


ps_regions(ps, k = 5, method = "average", endemism = FALSE, normalize = TRUE)



A phylospatial object. If method is anything other than "kmeans", it must contain a dissim component generated by ps_add_dissim.


Number of spatial clusters to divide the region into (positive integer). See ps_regions_eval to help choose a value of k by comparing the variance explained by different numbers of regions.


Clustering method. Options include all methods listed under hclust, and "kmeans". If "kmeans" is selected, the dissim component of ps is ignored.


Logical indicating whether community values should be divided by column totals (taxon range sizes) to derive endemism. Only used if method = "kmeans"; in other cases this information should instead be supplied to ps_add_dissim.


Logical indicating whether community values should be divided by row totals (community sums). If TRUE, dissimilarity is based on proportional community composition. This happens after endemism is derived. Only used if method = "kmeans"; in other cases this information should instead be supplied to ps_add_dissim.


A raster or matrix with an integer indicating which of the k regions each site belongs to.


Daru, B. H., Elliott, T. L., Park, D. S., & Davies, T. J. (2017). Understanding the processes underpinning patterns of phylogenetic regionalization. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 32(11), 845-860.


ps <- ps_simulate()

# using kmeans clustering algorithm
terra::plot(ps_regions(ps, method = "kmeans"))

# to use a hierarchical clustering method, first we have to `ps_add_dissim()`
terra::plot(ps_regions(ps_add_dissim(ps), k = 7, method = "average"))

Evaluate region numbers


This function compares multiple potential values for k, the number of clusters in to use in ps_regions(), to help you decide how well different numbers of regions fit your data set. For each value of k, it performs a cluster analysis and calculates the proportion of total variance explained (SSE, the sum of squared pairwise distances explained). It also calculates second-order metrics of the relationship between k and SSE. While many data sets have no optimal value of k and the choice is often highly subjective, these evaluation metrics can help you identify potential points where the variance explained stops increasing quickly as k increases.


ps_regions_eval(ps, k = 1:20, plot = TRUE, ...)



A phylospatial object. Must contain a dissim component generated by ps_add_dissim.


Vector of positive integers giving possible values for k. Values greater than the number of sites in the data set will be ignored.


Logical indicating whether to print a plot of the results (TRUE, the default) or return a data frame of the results (FALSE).


Further arguments passed to ps_regions.


The function generates a data frame with the following columns. If plot = FALSE the data frame is returned, otherwise the function prints a plot of the latter variables as a function of k:

  • "k": The number of clusters.

  • "sse": The proportion of total variance explained, with variance defined as squared pairwise community phylogenetic dissimilarity between sites.

  • "curvature": The local second derivative. Lower (more negative) values indicate more attractive break-point values of k.

  • "dist11": The distance from the point to the 1:1 line on a plot of k vs sse in which k values over the interval from 1 to the number of sites are rescaled to the unit interval. Higher values indicate more attractive values for k.


ps <- ps_add_dissim(ps_simulate())
ps_regions_eval(ps, k = 1:15, plot = TRUE)

Map phylospatial data onto RGB color bands


Perform an ordination that reduces a spatial phylogenetic data set into three dimensions that can be plotted as the RGB bands of color space to visualize spatial patterns of community phylogenetic composition. This function is a wrapper around ps_ordinate().


ps_rgb(ps, method = c("nmds", "cmds", "pca"), trans = identity, spatial = TRUE)



A phylospatial object with a non-null dissim component, generated by ps_add_dissim.


Ordination method, either "pca" (principal component analysis implemented via stats::prcomp()), "cmds" (classical MDS, implemented via stats::cmdscale()), or "nmds" (the default, nonmetric MDS, implemented via vegan::metaMDS(); this is slower but often preferred).


A function giving a transformation to apply to each dimension of the ordinated data. The default is the identity function. Specifying rank generates a more uniform color distribution.


Logical indicating whether a spatial object (inherited from ps) should be returned. Default is TRUE.


A matrix or spatial object with three variables containing RGB color values in the range 0-1.


ps <- ps_add_dissim(moss())
RGB <- ps_rgb(ps, method = "cmds")
terra::plotRGB(RGB * 255, smooth = FALSE)

Simulate a toy spatial phylogenetic data set


This function generates a simple phylospatial object that can be used for testing other functions in the package. It is not intended to be realistic.


  n_tips = 10,
  n_x = 20,
  n_y = 20,
  data_type = c("probability", "binary", "abundance"),
  spatial_type = c("raster", "none"),
  seed = NULL



Number of terminals on phylogeny.


Number of raster cells in x dimension of landscape.


Number of raster cells in y dimension of landscape.


Community data type for simulated ranges: either "probability" (default), "binary", or "abundance".


Either "raster" or "none".


Optional integer to seed random number generator.


phylospatial object, comprising a random phylogeny and community matrix in which each terminal has a circular geographic range with a random radius and location. The spatial reference data is a SpatRaster.


# using all the defaults

# specifying some arguments
plot(ps_simulate(n_tips = 50, n_x = 30, n_y = 40, data_type = "abundance"), "comm")

Stratified randomization of community matrix


This is a community null model method for quantitative community data (e.g. abundance or occurrence probability). It is designed to adapt binary null model algorithms for use with quantitative data, which can be useful if there is not a quantitative-specific algorithm available that has the desired properties. For example, use with the binary "curveball" algorithm preserves row and column totals, and also approximately preserves the marginal distributions of rows and columns. For each randomization, the data set is split into strata representing numerical ranges of the input quantities, a separate binary randomization is done for each stratum, and the results are combined to produce a randomized, quantitative community matrix. See vegan::commsim() for details about other binary and quantitative null models.


quantize(x, method = "curveball", ...)



Community matrix with species in rows, sites in columns, and nonnegative quantities in cells.


Null model algorithm, passed to vegan::nullmodel. Testing has only been done with the "curveball" algorithm, so other options should be use with caution. Only binary methods should be used.


Additional arguments, including:

  • n_strata: Integer giving the number of strata to split the data into. Must be 2 or greater. Larger values will result in randomizations with less mixing but higher fidelity to marginal distributions. The default is 5.

  • transform: A function used to transform the values in x before assigning them to n_strata equal intervals. Examples include sqrt, log, rank, etc.; the default is identity.

  • jitter: Number between 0 and 1, indicating how much to randomly jitter the location of stratum boundaries.

  • priority: Either "rows", "cols", or "neither", indicating whether randomization within strata should prioritize maintaining the marginal distributions of the rows or columns of the input matrix. The default, "neither", doesn't give precedence to either dimension. Note that this interacts with method, and methods differ in which margins are fixed.

  • Other arguments to be passed to simulate.nullmodel, such as seed or burnin. The default for burnin is 10000. Note that nsim and thin are ignored, as they're internally set to 1.


A randomized version of x.


# example quantitative community matrix
comm <- ps_get_comm(moss("polygon"), tips_only = TRUE, spatial = FALSE)[1:50, 1:50]

# examples of different quantize usage
rand <- quantize(comm)
rand <- quantize(comm, n_strata = 4, transform = sqrt, priority = "rows")
rand <- quantize(comm, method = "swap", burnin = 10)
# (note: this `burnin` value is far too small for a real analysis)

Convert a site-by-variable matrix into a SpatRaster or sf object


Convert a site-by-variable matrix into a SpatRaster or sf object


to_spatial(m, template)



Matrix or vector.


SpatRaster layer with number of cells equal to the number of rows in m, or sf data frame with same number of rows as m.


SpatRaster with a layer for every column in m, or sf data frame with a variable for every column in m, depending on the data type of template.


ps <- moss()
to_spatial(ps$comm[, 1:5], ps$spatial)